Reviews from

in the past

Bom jogo para quem gosta de rally. Ainda assim, bastante incompleto em relação a um WRC por exemplo. Não deixa por isso de ser um bom título, e até bastante divertido. Pena o stock de carros ser bastante limitado, assim como a costumização dos mesmos. Duas boas razões para justificar o fracasso do título. Ainda assim, é graficamente apelativo. A gameplay, também ela é divertida. No geral, é decente.

idk it’s just cars going vroom vroom

Yet another episode of "Codemasters doesn't know what to with its franchises". Featuring decent visuals with an explosion of color that gets boring quickly, and cool audio design that gets rolled over by the annoying festival music.
Saddest of all is the gameplay, which can't decide whether it wants to be Dirt, OnRush, Motorstorm or an unholy combination of all of them. Oversteery cars, overly winding tracks and some of the worst fucking rubberbanding this side of Most Wanted. It's masterable, but dull.
Having two meh games in a row coupled with the EA acquisition leads me to believe this is the last we'll see of the franchise for a long-ass while, as Codemasters will probably just stick to pumping out F1 and WRC games yearly and nothing more.