Reviews from

in the past

No começo eu não tava entendendo nada, e no fim parecia q eu tava no começo. Jogo maravilhoso, tem um visual único e um certo humor bem peculiar, ás vezes parece meio arrastado mas me diverti jogando, é um ótimo point and click.

I started playing and never finished so I had to watch KubzScouts finish it for me. It was good! Kind of! Like, everything had a sort of ethereal vibe but it made the game confusing.ish. idrk. this game is just mid to me.

i was probably not supposed to play this game as a little girl about fran's age while experiencing the onset of my own mental problems but it was almost comforting in a really weird way. a lovely creepy little game that could've honestly benefitted from being a little shorter

Te quiero mucho Señor Medianoche