Reviews from

in the past

still fucking awesome but the cabinet was blocked by people lining up to play the fucking league of legends fighter which they had set up in the ARCADE ROOM at combo breaker, for some reason. fuck you riot games (apologies to yohosie and pattheflip)

The best Fatal Fury game. One of the best SNK games. As well as one of my favorite fighting games. I love RB Fatal Fury Special and 2, but they don't compare to this one. Everything's done right here. The music is amazing, the combat is smooth, I love the new cast (even though I miss the old Fatal Fury cast), and the game looks beautiful. I know I've probably said the same thing about many Fatal Fury games, but I don't know what else I can say, they're all just amazing (save for a few that weren't all good.) Well done SNK, thanks for making an amazing series. I can't wait to see what you guys do with City of the Wolves.