Reviews from

in the past

Back in 2001 this would be an easy 10/10. Today 7/10, really surprised me, very good story, puzzles.

Great game if you’re having trouble falling asleep

Imagine being able to afford a GOLDEN Sun in tyool 2024

Very, very good RPG though. I love seeing little Camelot-isms throughout their games, in things like the UI, sound effects and other little details!

A well rounded JRPG with a good story and gameplay

- Combinaise Puzzle + combat JRPG bien dosée et plaisante
- Visuellement incroyable pour l'époque
- Une histoire plaisante à suivre MAIS des dialogues qui me semble parfois dénué de sens ( mauvaise traduction ? )
- Plaisir de collecter les Djinn pour découvrir de nouvelles animations de combat

- On parcourt le jeu un peu trop facilement
- S'arrête en plein milieu de l'histoire

Most underrated RPG, but actually fucking amazing!

Um dos melhore JRPGs para introduzir novos jogadores ao gênero

finally starting a proper run of this game and while I’m not enjoying it on the level of chrono trigger, it’s amazing to see how far they pushed the gba

Finally beat after procrastination and welp, for some reasons to achieve 100% because of the password system for The Lost Age. I don't know how much it will be worthy, but I feel so satisfied by that.

Anyways: this is an amazing fast-paced turn-based JRPGs belonging to the golden era (which I think starts in the 90s and ends in early 2000s) with charming visuals, puzzles, interesting battle system and a nice colored cast of party.

I have to say: dialogues felt like a chore sometimes and kinda tedious. But beside that the game is a gem and objectively one of the best games avaiable on GBA.