Reviews from

in the past

There are a weird number of steam games allegedly about cats made by people who either do not like or do not understand cats.

essa é da época que eu só jogava as rotas dos personagens que queria papar e perdia a porra do Lore. mas! eu gosto da arte, parece meio seca mas tem seu charme, e como até os céus sabem, eu sou completamente maluca por gato. você Pode namorar um maine coon. se fizerem um remake desse jogo, eu juro que jogo tudo! fora isso, meio esquecível - eu até devo estar esquecendo algum defeito muito escroto, mas vai ficar por isso mesmo. se for o caso, desculpa adiantada

I owe a lot about my identity and expression to this game

Main character seems to love the uwu bishonen catboy cats, but is so fucking mean to their own lil regular cat. Hate that!

This is unfortunately a romance visual novel where the romance is the least interesting element. The elements such as magic and cat curses work with the cozy cafe vibe most of the game has, however a lot of the romance arcs suffer from very rushed pacing. Only 2 of the 6 available routes actually felt like they had moderately enough time to be believable. Can't say I would wholly recommend it unless the premise really interests you.