Reviews from

in the past

Jurassic World Evolution is pretty cool if you love dinosaurs! Building your dream dino-park is fun for a while – hatching dinos, engineering exhibits, the whole deal. But after some time, it feels more like a business simulator, and the excitement fades unless you're really into micromanaging. The occasional dino-breakout spices things up, but overall it's better as a chill park builder with a neat dinosaur twist than a thrilling survival experience.

Pos al final si que es dificil tener un parque de dinosaurios.

C’est cool mais la flemme de me taper tout l’archipel en mission de campagne avant de créer mon parc ptn

For a Jurassic Park world builder, Jurassic World Evolution is pretty dang fun. 3.5 out of 5 stars for me.

Really enjoyed my time with this theme park sim.