Reviews from

in the past

This game was a lot of fun to play and helped me to destress after a long day. This was my first Lego game I decided to platinum which I found was a bit of a grind, but overall a great game.

Really fun game that was kind of in that odd lego game fall off era where their games were still super fun just didn't really live up to older games but a really good game that replicated many of the movie scenes with a fun twist really well

the best distraction from doing my dissertation

honestly as far as the lego games where the characters are just people go, this might be the best one since City Undercover? it's really fun!

i felt the free roam was a little grindy, but i sort of love that in a lego game.

what i didnt like was HOW SLOW STUD GAIN WAS! ive never had to look up a stud farm before, but i played that indominus rex chase like 50 times till i had all the multipliers because fuck that shit bro

Sepa esse é o LEGO mais longo, nunca voltei nele e não sei se vou.

A fun time when my sister and I played it many years ago.

finished main story and a few open world activities. going to come back to platinum sometime down the line

I liked it when i was 10 I think, idk that's what Steam says

Maybe a little more combat and it could have been one of the best

Another Lego game that used one of its many popular IPs and did very well.