Reviews from

in the past

Não sou muito fã de senhor de anéis e achei a gameplay muito lenta, mas penso em dar uma segunda chance para ele no futuro, joguei muito pouco tempo, dizer que fiz 25% e calunia, fiz no maximo 10%

Lego does it again, will never watch the movies. They sound terrible :D

I could really never get into this one as a kid

This presentation of the story made more sense than the movies. Pacing is beautiful, gameplay is Lego signature, and again it's endlessly replayable. This is a top of the line Lego game. I also played this the year it came out. Gift from a friend I think. In retrospect, his parents probably bought it, he didn't like it, so I got it lol. People don't give stuff away for free, so i'd assume it's that. Either way, worth it.

Platinado con mi padre 10/10

Best Lego game, get your opinions outta here