Reviews from

in the past

Stylish arcade-style shooting action from Sega, similar to Space Harrier and the like, but with a unique 360 degrees of viewable horizontal area that you need to manage with the help of your radar, the rear 180 degrees acting more as a simple first-person shooting camera.
It's got great music and pretty good visuals for the Saturn, and the lock-on targeting system is pretty satisfying while not completely eradicating the need for spamming all three shoot buttons at once to take down larger targets or panic fire. Most destructible projectiles also require the use of normal fire.
The low frame rate sadly makes input response feel slower than it should, but the game is never so hard that it feels too hindering to the gameplay.
I could definitely see this game being easy fodder for an arcade release, especially given its incredibly short length, but its place on the Saturn home console allows it to dedicate about a fifth or sixth of your time playing it to some lore, an intro FMV, and a selection of beautiful concept artwork to accompany the end credits.
It's not exactly the masterpiece it's always hyped up to be, but it is pretty good. Especially when you aren't paying for a full price copy. Would've been a great rental game back in the day.

Played all the way up to the final level, it got somewhat frustratingly hard at that point. Absolutely gorgeous game that doesn’t need beating to appreciate. One of the Sega Saturn’s finest gems