Reviews from

in the past

The story of Shadow of the Colossus with the game mechanics of Zelda:BTOW, and that's it. This game does nothing new or inventive that the two games its copying didn't already do way better. The controls are slow and sluggish. You gather weapons but they are pointless as you don't need any to fight the gods. The only unique part is the grappling hook, but it rarely works the way you'd want. Aside from the crypt under the main hub, not a word is spoken in the whole game.

The story and world are nonexistent. The snowy landscapes is vast and empty with every part of it looking exactly the same as everywhere else. They have mechanics to make the game more difficult, and considering how hard it was to get supplies on medium, I don't even want to think about trying the hard parts. It all just moves so slow and you can't tell if anything is worth looking at. the map stays hidden unless you find specific fast travel points, which are all in caves and hard to locate.

The only thing the game gets kind of right is the Gods/Colossus, as they are all at least a little bit interesting. The final arch of the game is cool, managed to add a whole extra star to the game, but is a slog to get through. Another part of the game that I wouldn't want to attempt on hard mode. Then the game ends after just a few hours.

I only gave this game a look because WhatCulture gaming said this was game of the year material back in 2020. Not even close. While it is true we don't have enough Shadow of the Colossus's style games, this is not a worth follow-up to that franchise. It has some style, but there is so little to the world and not much worth doing outside of fighting the gods. Its just dull, and nothing in this hasn't been done before and a lot better.

If you want a good Zelda: BOTW style game, I'd recommend Immortals Fenyx Rising, as that actually does some good story telling and use of those mechanics. Stick to the original if you want a Colossus game. This one has a moment or two, and I gave it a pass by the end, but its not one I'd ever recommend and not one I'll be going back to any time soon. maybe in four to five years, but even that is doubtful

zdar ne. Praey for the Gods jsem hrál jenom tak 2 hodiny protože to prostě není sranda hrát, je to jako shadow of the colossus. To je všechno, ty se nějak dostaneš na to monstrum vyšplháš se k nějakýmu bodu a 6krát zmáčknšeš čtverec, a tak jednou za 5 sekund musíš na dalších 5 mačkat trojhran. Není to prostě sranda hrát, nevim co v té hře dělají survival mechaniky, nejsou dobře implementovaný ikdyž by se to do takové hry hodilo. Má to i normální combat systém kterej je to nejhorší co ta hra nabízí animace jsou velice clunky a nepřátelský aičko fakt nic moc. Všechno ostatní je docela meh, ale tohle byla první hra studia No Matter a to je docela kurva úspěch udělat tohle na první pokus takže se těším na jejich další hru.

(copy-pasted from Steam)

Play this game without expecting it to be a different game, please! It's very solid, especially for a game made by a team of three devs. It may have shared mechanics with Shadow of the Colossus, Breath of the Wild, and others, but it's not a copy and shouldn't be expected to be one.

All the bosses have unique fights, with different strategies to choose from for each, depending on your play style. The majority can also be fought in any order, you can stumble across one by mistake at any point in the game (but you can run away if you'd like to save that fight for later!).

Minibosses are difficult until you learn their attack pattern. Fun challenge regardless, and completely optional.

Survival elements such as weapon durability, cold, hunger, etc. are entirely optional due to a very functional difficulty system. You can choose the actual difficulty (4 settings from easy to legendary) as well as whether you want survival mechanics (story, boost, survival), for an experience that you want to play. If I see one more person complain about how they don't want to play a survival game I will lose it. You can turn it off!!

Overall a good game with nice visuals and an epic soundtrack. I love Dreki so much <3