Reviews from

in the past

i like this game. if you play it, i recommend using custom difficulty and turning down the threat scale to 50%. My favorite part is probably the lore and world building.

An endless wealth of replayability and depth to this one. I think I put 80 hours in the first week I bought it. The stress but fun of building up your colony and watching relationships and stories play out between your colonists is endlessly addicting. An active modding community and all the incredible DLC means you can keep pumping more time into it and never get bored. Every colony is a fresh experience!

a classic "losing is fun" game

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Esse jogo simplesmente suga toda minha alma e faz eu pensar nele durante horas e horas do meu dia. O vanilla do jogo já é absurdamente incrível e ainda temos as
dlcs que são sensacionais e adicionam uma porrada de conteúdo.
O fato da história de cada colônia ser diferente todas as vezes que você joga, torna as coisas ainda mais interessantes, porque evita ficar tão repetitivo. Enfim, o que quero dizer é: esse jogo é mais perfeito do que parece, compre sem medo (pirateia se não tiver condições, mas compra assim que tiver pra ajudar os devs).

I get it. It's supposed to be hard and annoying. That's supposed to be the charm. I never found it charming. Love watching others play it, cant be assed to try it myself anymore. I never have fun.

Los colony builders son mi debilidad, y este es una joya, con una capacidad de generar historias casi infinita sumada a la absurda cantidad de mods, estamos ante un juego que nunca te va a faltar contenido. Si buscas iniciarte en los colony builders y el dwarf fortres te da miedo, este puede que sea tu punto de partida.

this game would easily be a five star if it wasn't for three key things:
1. inconsistent, overpriced, barebones DLC (getting better with each release)
2. sometimes horrific user interface
3. purely illogical or nonsensical mechanics/lack of mechanics
in spite of this it is the greatest base/colony management game I've ever played, it eats away at my life whenever I relapse

PEAK colony sim of our generation. Someone needs to make the jump from 2D to 3D like risk of rain did and they have the colony sim game of all time.

Um dos melhores jogos de administração de todos, carregado pela comunidade de modders