Reviews from

in the past

the levels are decent but really short. Even if you explore a lot you're not gonna get a lot out of this game. but overall it's just a fun but forgettable sonic game

The game is so pathetically piss easy until the final level, when they hit you with shitty 8-bit maze shenanigans yet again. I sure do love when I get spat out of a pipe because I don't know where I'm going, only to fall into a bottomless pit and die. Being punished for being a first time player is just disgusting. Before that shit level though, I was clearing everything else in less than five minutes with absolutely no challenge. This game sucks.

Inoffensive, but boring and too easy. Any sense of challenge is a byproduct of the screen crunch on the Game Gear.

don't tell anyone else, but this game is better than triple trouble! it doesn't try too hard to be a traditional sonic game and benefits greatly from that, adding in all kinds of strange power ups and interesting levels. underrated and worth several playthroughs.

Ich weiß nicht wie ich mich fühlen soll bei dem Spiel. Es war viel zu leicht und ultra langweilig und zudem auch noch super super kurz. Dafür hatte es aber kein bullshit leveldesign wie Sonic 1 und 2 auf dem GG. Dennoch hat es sich nach verschwendeter Zeit angefühlt und es war echt träge durch die vielen Slowdowns. Ich muss aber sagen die Slowdowns lohnen sich weil das Spiel echt ganz hübsch ist. Ich wusste btw echt nicht wie man die Emeralds holt in dem Spiel also hab ich es einfach gelassen