Reviews from

in the past

Buen concepto pero hasta ahí.

First Person Shooter with portals. Pretty fun but not much more than that.

It was there for a split second

Was fun for the little time I played it

More people should play this oh my god! The game isn’t as popular but people are definitely still playing it, and it’s fun as hell, getting kills cuz of your portal placement will never not be satisfying, the Jetpack also adds another dimension to the games gameplay too, it’s just so fun and it’s really really great! This game should have never died!

guys watch out the gate is splitting


Generic multiplayer shooter. Using portals for ways of forcing interactions between players is pretty fun, though.

Peaked Plat 1 so I know what I am talking about. Ranked is filled with aimbotters who have "headshot only" turned on. Guns are boring, so the gameplay is pretty boring too. I was really good at using my portals but it doesn't even matter if you just against cheaters.

An alright arena shooter nothing special plus its very much dead now, it did prove the point that people still want games like halo though which i agree with we desperately need more shooters like halo in the current day

The devs for this deserve every nice thing in the world

This was a very cool idea, but it came into the market a little too late. It seems to me that the arena shooter is a dying genre, if Splitgate happened in 2014 it would've been a smash hit.

This game was the shit for about 2 weeks then vanished. Sucks because it's a really good game.