Reviews from

in the past

As a Doom-loving and Star Wars-loving kid this blew my socks off. I thought it was so cool going around Star Wars locations blasting stormtroopers and imperial officers. Usually got pretty lost and confused in the later levels, but I loved replaying the first handful of levels over and over.

It's an okay game to kill a few hours with, but outside of the really nice visuals and sound design doesn't actually have a lot going on for it. Getting to play a Star Wars fps is no longer as novel as it was in the 90s and at this point you can probably just go find some Doom WADs that scratch that itch better if it's really what you're after.

The enemy roster is way too basic, with only the grenade lobbing aliens and the ones with the concussion rifle standing out in particular. Outside of those there are just way too many stormtroopers, imperial officers and flying robots which barely feel distinct to fight crowding up every stage. Different enemy types aren't mixed in together as often as they could have been. The jetpack dark troopers were also always exciting and intimidating to fight against, well worth all the buildup the game gives them.

Weapons manage to be even more disappointing with few of them feeling different enough from each other to warrant using one over the other. Even with secondary fire modes there were only a few guns that seemed especially suited to particular situations. Most of the time I just used whatever I had the most ammo for, saving the big guns for dark trooper encounters. The grenades were probably the most fun weapon to use with a satisfying lobbing arc and potential for crazy high damage if you played with them well. Unfortunately much of the game takes place in cramped corridors with occasionally questionable bounding boxes which meant I never really got to go as wild with these as I would have liked. It was always a blast when I did though.

The level design presents itself in open ended, but is ultimately pretty straightforward. There are some weird decisions like the whole equipment system the game has which never seems that useful. For example in one level there's ice which you have poor traction on, so you have to get cleats so you can walk on it properly. Only you get cleats at the very first instance of ice, rendering the whole mechanic pointless since you're never actually inconvenienced. The solution is given to you before it even becomes an issue.

Also the middle few stages were put together by some pervert level designer that can only get his rocks off by placing explosive mines around corners and under consumables where they're practically impossible to see coming. Seriously, fuck whoever did that.

The generous life system means that you'll probably be able to comfortably play through the game without having to retry stages, though the final mission does ramp up the difficulty considerably by throwing way tougher enemies than usual at you.

I don't regret playing through this one again (my previous experience coming from the Playstation version), but also don't think I'm likely to revisit it soon.

when this came out i exploded seeing tghe star wars visuals and grpahics were so cool but now its kinda whatever i agree that you could probably just play a cool DOOM wad and itd do it better

A very basic shooter with Star Wars themes overall fun but nothing ground breaking

original is pretty unplayable without upgrade mods but overall fun even though its so easy to get lost

Vertical labyrinth design = Hellish torture. As much as the terrible controls.
But it's Doom Star Wars so it gets a pass.