Reviews from

in the past

This game was not really what i expected. The writing and acting where great. The UI was clunky and i felt was worse than Her Story, And the pauses between talking kinda took me out of it. I understand why but when clips are like 4 minutes and you fast forward for a minute just to find out they said good bye at the end kinda got annoying. The story was cool but nothing insane.

A fantastic arthouse film experience made for a crowd that will not, or ever, appreciate something as bold and slow burning as this.

As a gamer I was upset at all of the empty space. But as a fan of arthouse films I've never seen anything like this.

Even though there was alot of empty space (which can and should be fast forwarded through), subtle face expressions can reveal alot of information. It was interesting connecting the dots between responses and I found it more satisfying than "her story" honestly. It felt more believable and personal. There is a great amount of variety when it comes to the scenes displayed. Intense moments, genuinely heartbreaking bonds, twists, an array of different personalities, and even uncomfortable intimacy. When you find an important scene it definitely feels important and revealing. Then you are left beating your head when one that didn't seem important had crucial information because of your own sheer impatience.

The performances were surprisingly top notch. What's more impressive are the very long takes. Long takes like this require alot of focus/planning. Even the little girl was doing great.

This kind of storytelling is very special, and can only be done through gaming. In my opinion it's better than "Her Story" and i cant wait to check out "Immortality". Chronologically, this is "Memento" on drugs and I applaud the audacity.

A mediocre script. Better play Her Story.

Бездарный сценарий. Поиграйте лучше в Her Story.

A pretty unique "live-action" story game with a plot that sinks deep into a rabbit hole of twists. A bit short, but for what it presents I think it's more than enough since there's basically zero gameplay.