Reviews from

in the past

One of the best games I've ever played. There's not much else beside I wish I got amnesia so I could play this game again. Although, that were my thoughts about 5 years ago when I played it for the first time. I think now, I've become so jaded in video games that I have no idea how well BoTW holds up today.

La sensacion de libertad es barbara, solo le falta un verdaero challenge para ser un 5/5

Breath of the Wild is a great game that introduced a lot of people to the Zelda series, especially younger fans that may not have had the opportunity to play the early titles. The game was fun to go through and experience the first time, and the freedom to explore and complete the game at your leisure was nice as well. Despite all this, I felt like the game was missing something for me. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it feels like a Zelda game. There's something about all the enemies only having slightly upgraded versions of themselves, weapons breaking, and going wherever that really takes me away from the Zelda series as a whole. I think people who start with this game will enjoy it a lot, but if you're looking for dungeons to explore and a sizable (but not unreasonable) amount of collectibles to grab, then Breath of the Wild may not necessarily be what you're looking for.

Open world yayayay
Got boring after doing all the shrines

One of the greatest open world games ever made

This is a good ass game. For someone who has never played a single Zelda game before, this could be a good introduction, depending on what kind of games the person has played before.

It immerses you very heavily into the world, until the combat loop becomes repetitive

Game changer for realll. Constantly breathing in that wilderness with fun puzzles and open world exploration.

How did they make this game this good.

Tried playing this game multiple times but got bored. I don't like LoZ in open world style, I miss the puzzles and dungeons.

great game with a huge open world, and its a joy to explore. though with all the open world games these days, it feels very similar to a lot of games of late. still great game and one of the best open worlds.

I don't have a Switch anymore, but I remember finding this game too tedious to enjoy. I get why people love it, but for me, this is a stinker. It isn't very fun or interesting. It's just not what I look for in a video game.

I love this game, exploring the world was so fun being able to go wherever and climb wherever I love it..

Found the game very tedious, with a bunch of copy paste outposts, smaller places of interests inbetween and a large walk to the other side of the map just to advance the story a little. The story was decent although I don't remember much from my DS days. Maybe it's just not what I look for in a game now

Getting this game with your switch is a feeling like no other. Absolute masterpiece for a launch title.

pure undisputable peak, defined a whole new style of open world and the one game i would give anything to experience for the first time again 😭😭

Tres bon jeux gameplay parfois repetitif, bon game design

The reason I bought a Nintendo Switch. This title is a masterclass in exploration. Paired with an art style that somehow runs on the limited power that the Switch has. A true must play if you own a switch.

My introductory to Zelda. I was not disappointed and enjoyed the open world aspect.

I was hesitant to try this one out because of the changes. I was wrong. It's very very good.

Finally my whiteboy hit the big time (for real dis time). Awesome at most things but there is basically no enemy variety, and the main dungeon bosses are also just okay.

WOW, it's the most accurate word to describe my experiencie of played this masterpiece. GOTY by far. It's a game that everyone must try once at least.

i wish i could play this game for the first time again

Replayed the game, but in mastermode for the first time. It was difficult at the begining but wasn't too hard after a while. I also never used fast travel and instead just wandered around the map on foot/horse. It was fun to revisit it after tears of the kingdoms' release, and it still holds up I'd say. Its a lot simpler and lacks a few of the QOL changes in totk, but unless youre playing them back to back its not really something you notice or pay attention to, besides a few times where I wish i could use ascend.