Reviews from

in the past

Gostava bastante quando criança e ter conseguido terminar depois de ter crescido me fez criar um carinho muito especial por esse jogo apesar dos seus problemas com dificuldade. Eu não vou esquecer dos momentos que tive jogando isso. E EU ODEIO A FASE 8

Gran juego que nos compro mi padre, totalmente pirateado

O número de estrelas é o mesmo número de fases que uma pessoa normal consegue jogar nesse jogo

I sorely miss video game tie-ins to movies like this. A fantastic platformer, and probably helped inspire my ongoing crusade for more games where you play as non-humanoids. Spent hours and hours on this as a kid, could always breeze through the first 3 levels and then start to struggle immensely. But I got through and beat it several times back then, and it always felt like a huge accomplishment. Revisiting it as an adult in the Disney Classic Games pack I had a much easier time with it, although some levels are still a bit challenging (Be Prepared especially). Love how colorful it is, and how they translate the film's score to 16-bit sounds. The stampede section blew me away on a technical level as a kid. Great game

Far too brutal for children.
Hate those monkeys.