Reviews from

in the past

playerbase is literally diarrhea but i love messing around with models and worlds

On one hand its great that people can get together and hang out, on the other hand people can get together and "hang" out.

is great with friends but i have too much anxiety to play this game on my own

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. This has to be one of the games with the most gross degenerate disgusting community's I've ever had the displeasure of engaging with, and for a game that is entirely based on its community that's a big problem.

Like twitter but you can walk around.

I've been playing since about 2018, and I can say that it has been the most positive impact on my life ever. You will never find a place where self-expression is so free and especially queer friendliness at such a high. Nearly every friend I have today is because of this platform. This is how I learned to create 3D models from scratch and make a living. It helped in leagues with my social anxiety.

Be aware though that most of your experience will be based on the people you hang around. Explore worlds, and meet people, if someone makes you uncomfortable, block them, don't bother interacting!
I also recommend finding groups that hold events as well! There's numerous groups for partying, watching movies, roleplay, or world exploration!
Don't just sit around in front of a mirror all the time when there's so much to explore.

I am never trusting another pedo with an anime girl avatar ever again

Never again. I have never met one sane person that actively uses this app. Save yourself.

I didn't really spend too much time with VRChat, but what time I did spend was something truly unique. A one-of-a-kind experience and social community that Meta seems intent to copy and corporate-ify to no success to make their "metaverse". It is amazing that this exists. If I didn't have a life IRL, I'd probably love to engage more with the community that exists here, but alas.

a lot of people owe their trauma to this game

Cannot wait for this game to die, and something even remotely good takes its place. Until then, it's hell.

I'd like this more if I had VR. I just can't bring myself to drop that much money on a headset.

Sometimes worlds are cool, most of the time they are Anime. But what stays constant is the overabundance of racist children that have been banned on X-Box live for being too edgy and are now reliefing their pent up unresolved pubescent rage on VR Chat.

The community, although being a thorn in your eyes at all times, also has some less vile parts. I especially appreciate servers, where you can find nice people from other countries. For me it was one of the few times when I could actually use English to talk to other people. I am sure this also works for any other language. And I couldn't imagine how cool exploration would be with a headset.

Also some of the models are amazing. In the sense that they can either be amazingly beautiful or horrifying.

As it stands I am giving VR Chat a 10/10 for offering a totally unique experience. Although I don't really use the service myself (y'know, introvert), I can still appreciate it for what it is. Though stay away from public servers.

Played this one for quite a while its a fun friend finding tool and a generally just endless database of things to do its just pretty fun but its still filled with loads of toxicity and uhh just in general a lot of assholes but fun game.

awful. i play it almost everyday

I love trolling the shit out of people in this game.

I haven't played a lot of this game, but what I have played was some of the best fun I've had interacting with strangers in a call-like format ever. Playing as either your favourite characters or ones you made yourself is incredible and everyone I met that day was super friendly and I feel like this helped me get over my social anxiety and become more outgoing to people I'd only just met.
I tried to pick this up this again after a few years and getting my own pc rather than playing at a friend's but I had horrible anxiety that I wouldn't be accepted as a trans woman made me end up uninstalling it soon after (as well as my pc at the time handling it so poorly) though maybe I will give it another go in future, that first experience was enough of a driving force to try again.

this game really embodies the internet in a lot of ways. sometimes you'll find fursona avatars with big bazoingas, sometimes you'll find 10 year olds running around yelling slurs, and sometimes you'll find some of the chillest people ever. the worlds almost feel like you're inside websites and personal blogs from the 2000s, some dingy and unpolished, others charming and cozy. if aliens ever land on earth and want to know what internet culture is like, i'll hand them a VR headset and pray they don't wipe us out for what they witnessed. never change, VRchat. never change

Oh Il - nam! From the Squid Game! Oh my god it's Oh Il - nam from the Squid Game!

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no tio ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

If you want to get bullied, this is the game. Do you want to get groomed? This is the game! It's a shitty game with even shittier controls. Those YouTube videos you've seen are all fake; no one is cool on there. The only reason it doesn't have 0 stars is because Jameskii made good videos on it.