Reviews from

in the past

um dos melhores que já joguei...

(finalmente zerei esse) cara MUITO foda... que sequencia incrível!! eu gostei de tudo nesse aqui, eles melhoraram os visuais(que já eram lindos) melhoraram um pouco o combate que era meio clunky e a história foi divina eu amei cada segundo dela e inclusive achei toda a sequencia final impecável. te amo Amicia e te amo Hugo

história foda mas achei jogabilidade repetitiva demais; tinha hora que dava vontade de abandonar. valeu a pena finalizar mas não jogaria de novo

nefret ediyorum bu oyundan anasını siktimin oyunu

Sequência de um jogo que me interessou muito, em diversos aspectos, apesar de todos seus muitos problemas. Esse é, sem dúvida, um exemplo de como o estúdio aprendeu com seus erros e os corrigiu, criando uma obra de arte em narrativa.

In terms of gameplay, I'm not particularly fond of stealth games, but wow the story made it all worth it. I truly cannot express how good this game is from the art to the music to the sad legacy of the De Rune family. This game along with its predecessor 'innocence' are absolute master pieces. Strongly recommend if you are a fan of story driven narratives.

🖕 hop là, tu l'as pas vu venir celui-là allez ciao looser 🤣Pour la peine 1/5 tu l'as pas volé celle-là

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Environnement qui prouvent que les développeurs sont Français et les ont visités tant ils sont réalistes. L'amélioration au dessus du premier est folle, et franchement bravo aux devs pour ce jeu splendide, avec une fin si tragique et déchirante.

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Não acreditei que tiveram coragem para matar o Hugo no final, achei bem corajoso. Apesar da clara melhoria gráfica não teve tanta inovação assim em relação a gameplay.

Chapter 16 of this game is still the best 15m stretch in video game history

A rich successor to Innocence that deepens the exploration of the bond between Amicia and Hugo, building thematic tension and diving into darker areas as the labor over Hugo's wellbeing becomes more and more strenuous, introducing questions of love and sacrifice. While the gameplay isn't a remarkable step up from the first, the storyline, soundtrack, and visuals all elevate this experience to new heights and solidify it as one of the best story games of this gaming generation.

Oh hey it's the second Plague Tale

A Plague Tale : Requiem was really a mixed bag for me. It's beautiful and boasts much more interesting and balanced gameplay than its predecessor, but it has no rhythm.

The starting chapters are pretty strong, but around chapters 8-10 I realized the plot had not advanced at all since the beginning. A lot of stuff happens, but there's no revelations or twists to really keep you going. The gameplay completely flatlines as well as its the same thing over and over again.

I really liked Sophia though ! She might be the best thing here.

As a complete package, this really couldn't hold my interest and felt profoundly overlong although it has a strong gameplay core.

Una gran secuela y final de una muy buena historia. A pesar de que las mecánicas se tornan un poco repetitivas, la historia y su final son una gran experiencia.