Reviews from

in the past


The game has a very crispy gameplay. My only problem is the main character.

I wish I beat this cause it was really fun but i've been stuck on a mission forever. Thank you Top Gun: Maverick for getting me into this

really makes you FEEL like a top gun

you can clearly tell Ēsu Konbatto Sebun went thru dev hell with multiple story rewrites and was done by a team made up of newbies and shovelware contractors toiling alongside a spoonful of veterans who worked on all Your favorit NamcoBandai Games (liek Ridge Racer 4 and Star Fox Assault, betchU love one of those), amirite or amirite my dear self-alleged HAWX superfans capable of looking at a game's credits and assessing the context behind a game...? Yep, you can clearly tell since individual missions in this literal miracle landing are more fun than all of 'AC04' and its superfun score attacks where the main challenge is not falling asleep at the wheel. Nevertheless, Assault Horizon is clearly a much better game because it touches upon IRL horrors of war (OORaH!!), I think my fellow afficiniados of arcade blast em ups inspired by Macross and StarWar will agree.

Also if thou art wondering why there has been practically zer0 news of another one in 5+ years it's cuz the devs were too busy with the highly anticipated pokeyman snap 2 (sold about as much as this game's lifetime sales within a year) before they got around to working on The Numero 8 (thas rite, Tekken!!!!!!!). wonder where all that endless DarkSoul money is going to @ Namco, not some Yakuza finalboss's pockets, as we all know my fellow productpurchasers, Yet More Game! maybeperhaps, a long-requested toddler babytoy for the local patricians who bought PaperMario 2 with new hat for 59,99...? Or more likely another King Of Street Fighter (all those games are the same, cant fool me dAhling! fistfight&wrestle with me in commments if you disagree, One Must Fall, no "drones" involved, man-2-man....)

ps:fully Belkanized and loving it! got crisp&clean white sheets, merely sweaty from summertimesleep...
pps: favorite track, besides the latter part of Three Of A Kind ofcourse? My heroic themesong, One Of A Kind!

Controls nicely and the arcade feel makes it a easy to get into game. Will definitely be looking foward to the rest of the series.

Although I hated the cutscenes in terms of story (was a bit too dramatic for my taste, I guess its the japanese way), the dialogue in gameplay was very enjoyable and you could skip everything if you so wished.

Ace Combat was a franchise I played a lot during the PlayStation 2 era. I think some of my passion for airplanes started with those gaming sessions. I think I was able to feel a bit of what I felt as a kid when I played Ace Combat 7. I picked it up during a period when I hadn't been playing games for a while, as nothing really motivated me. I was feeling discouraged about gaming and everything else, really. But with Ace Combat 7, I could simply grab my controller, sit on my bed, and enjoy the game. The story is good, and you can immerse yourself and "get into character." I really enjoyed the mode for unlocking aircraft and upgrades; I was eager to play so I could get the plane I wanted to fly. I've finished the game's story once and am on my second playthrough. I continue to play, and the game is a lot of fun, with all the typical mechanics of the series and engaging gameplay. I highly recommend this game!

military propaganda that works

For me Ace Combat 5 will always have a special place in my heart and will probably be my favourite game of the franchise. But this one just... man. It looks so good, it sounds so good, it flies so good, it FEELS so good to play. That's all, nothing more is needed. Just the sheer joy of picking your fave plane, your fave weaponry and blow shit up is the only thing I need to give this game a nearly perfect score even if I think is not as good as other games in the franchise.

Everything is just... wow. Omg the MUSIC!!! Epic fighter jets with epic stuff happening. I couldn't be happier.