Reviews from

in the past

The one forza horizon I hadnt played.
There were things I preferred to modern horizon but also things I’m glad they improved on.
The lack of a wheel spin system really benefits the pacing of the game. It’s not as overwhelming with cars and rewards, which makes you feel like you earned and own the cars you have. I quite liked the rival system in progression as it set out objectives to chase over the just wristband. I also liked how each event had specific classification as it forced you to diversify your cars. Also the music is probably the best in the series.
Honestly I didn’t think the map was great. A few areas hidden in corners of the map didnt see me go there often. The lack of tuning and off road potential in the game also felt lacking from modern forzas.
I enjoyed the game though and appreciate its influence on the arcade racing scene

the first game feels like it's more a music festival with a racing game attached to it

Um clássico aconchegante, um jogo que relaxa e te dá boas sensações, seleção de música e carros enxuta mas em nenhum momento você sente algo faltando. A rádio desse jogo é um must e te ajuda a entrar no mundo de uma forma muito orgânica. Não dou uma nota mais alta por que do meio para o final do jogo parece que tirando as corridas evento, tudo que há pra fazer é sprint, desafios (chato pra crl) e circuitos com mais voltas do que eu tenho de paciência.

Excelente, mas queria ter jogado antes dos servidores serem desligados. Sinto que perdi uma boa parte da gameplay.

Наконец-то я завершил прохождении шедевральной серии Forza Horizon. Каждая часть великолепна и достойна вашего внимания. Благодаря видосу крутого парня с его пресетами для Xenia и другу, который этот видос скинул, мне удалось пройти игру без проблем. Картинка потрясающая! Не верится, что Forza Horizon вышла почти 11 лет назад. И не верится, что серия с самой первой части была настолько крутой и продуманной. Все детали, за которые я люблю остальные части, уже есть в первой, причём далеко не в зачаточной стадии. Великолепнейшие 10 часов в моей жизни!
P.S. Ещё и озвучка русская есть. Те голоса уже сами по себе ламповые. Приятно снова их услышать спустя столько времени.

Shotout to the guy who spent 36 hours in Discord VC explaining how the protagonist is in a coma and Horizon 2-5 are dreams.

Meu jogo de carro preferido, muito pela trilha sonora das rádios.

El único juego del festival horizon que es perfecto

Peak Horizon, the only one that feels like a music festival that just so happens to sanction semi-organized racing.

I will never forgive what Playground turned this series into.......

not a big fan of racing games but this game is so fun i love it so much

a sensação que esse jogo traz de velocidade, das corridas maneiras, do mundo ao todo e ao clima de festival é muito bom mesmo. sinto falta de um Forza bom desse jeito

Para mí el mejor Forza Horizon simplemente por el ambiente festivalero que tiene, cómo suenan los coches... No lo han alcanzado desde entonces