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in the past

Last chapters could be better but in overall it’s A very good game,story and characters are so well written gun play and drive are so solid too.

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La fin de fou bz

PREAMBLE: If you find yourself playing a 2K game, make sure you disable 2K launcher after your initial start up. It is a program that uses up an ungodly amount of your CPU resources. Go to your "Properties" options in settings, copy paste the address of your .exe location in quotation marks, and then type %command% afterward. Doing this will solve your problem of stuttering, choppy framerates, and/or bad background program performance. Mafia II: Definitive Edition thankfully also has an option to flat out disable the launcher in the main menu, so you can use that too.

Mafia II is a game that really shouldn't have worked. It is mostly driving, with combat scarcely used in the story. It also tries to adhere to realism, but not enough to the point where it still feels video gamey. I say all of this because in spite of it, the game plays well, flows through its narrative with grace, and deserves its place among the best Open World Crime games.

Mafia II has you playing as delinquent, veteran, and all around punk ass Vito Scaletta in a journey from 1945 to 1951 that starts noble enough, but disintegrates into chaos. Vito starts by picking up packing jobs to pay his family's debt, but realizes that it gets in the way of his ambition, turning him back to a life of crime during a period of time where violence and disregard for human life paid the most. Along the way Vito meets up with old friends and family who in turn refer him to new, shadier faces. Without going into spoilers, this turns Vito's journey from a noble enough street rat story, into the most volatile tale of death and destruction I've ever seen in a videogame.

The idea to tackle the war-blues and post war decadence in this story was a bold thing to do. Most of the game is handled with maturity for the time period. You see characters come back from the war different, you see how quiet and somber the open world of Empire Bay is during the war. The era isn't romanticized either, people are hurting left and right, the jingoism is at an all time high, and nobody can do anything to stop it. Where as during the 50's, everything is much more vibrant, cultured, and yet it is the most dangerous part of the game, and that's saying something as the game starts during the Invasion of Italy. Mafia II shines as a period piece and that wouldn't have been possible in other forms of media the way it is as a game.

I suppose most of that is also carried by the ways in which the game presents itself. Mafia II is not a standard open world game. In a time where the genre was turning from small sandboxes with story into blowing up red things scattered across a big map, Mafia II opts for a strictly narrative driven approach. The only content in the open world is odd jobs, robbery, and the story itself (also porn mags). This lends the game it's biggest strength over any other game in the genre, and that is atmosphere. Empire Bay feels quiet when compared to its competition. It has you driving most of the game from destination to destination, and while you drive, you soak up the atmosphere of a world that feels disconnected from Vito's, its a world where people move along quietly and try to get through their daily commutes. It is a normal world in a medium that never really allows for normal world. That normalcy makes the loud moments feel even louder, and hit even harder. I love the adherence to this gameplay loop. Even when you are going loud, the gunplay and general level design are so good that you can't help but be excited for the next dangerous shootout. Where the first game felt disinterested in being interactive media, this one can't help but take full advantage of this medium.

If there is one bad thing about Mafia II, its that it ends. Never in my life have I wanted to see a story just keep going like this. I just wanted more Mafia II, but unfortunately the Monkey's Paw curled and gave us the bland arcade DLCs that utterly gut the vibe of the base game. Stay away from them for your own good.

In a world of GTA's, Saints Row's, and other games that are constantly big and violent, its nice to step back for a bit and play a game in this genre that sells itself on its quiet moments. Mafia II is an absolute gem and a must play for any fan of the genre.

Se comparar esse com o primeiro ele fica um lixo.
É um bom jogo, mas a historia q é o foco... pqp, mt ruim, fraca, sem construção, personagens fraquissimos.Diferente do primeiro q é o exato oposto. Inclusive a cena em q eles matam o protagonista do primeiro jogo, q desleixo, poderiam ter feito um negocio formidavel mas foi só uma missao qualquer matando um cara qualquer. PODRE.
E o q falar do final, mt mediocre, sem graça de mais.
A gameplay é legal, ambientação, trilha sonora tbm, e só por isso acho um jogo bom, mas nao jogaria de novo. É uma pena

It feels like a very outdated game in terms of gameplay, AI, character development, and story. It doesn't stand out in any aspect, and the only good thing is the setting. Full of bugs and glitches. I understand that it was a great game and a revolution in its time, but nowadays there's no reason to play this instead of the
first Mafia remake. This game also needed a remake that does it justice.

Lots of fun to be had here. Loved the story and characters. Loved driving around the map and seeing all the cool little details like being able to turn things on or having to abide by laws and such. One thing that's certain is that the game is really unpolished. Super janky with lots of bugs. (I mean, the game crashed on like the first cutscene for me, uhh) Though, you kinda get used to it over time, so it's not that big of a deal. I do wish the quality of this game was that of the Definitive Edition of Mafia I, though. Still a great game, I love the Mafia series so far :3

Con éste juego, tuve algunas sensaciones encontradas... por un lado me gustó la historia (Típica historia de bandas de los Estados Unidos, en los años 50) pero por el otro lado, senti que algunos momentos se juego se me hizo muy largo... la imposibilidad de grabar los progresos entre misiones y al morir tener que reiniciar toda la misión si no hubo un checkpoint en el medio. De todas maneras, lo terminé y fue positiva la experiencia.

Best protagonist, wished it was really open world. Awesome story.

Never played the original Mafia II, so I don't really have anything to compare this 'remaster' to - you know it's bad if I give it a negative review.

The game itself is decent - a linear experience that has some pretty solid writing and voice acting, and OK gameplay. Going in, I didn't have that nostalgia link that a lot of people do, so there was nothing really that stood out to me as a first-time player, except perhaps the city, which is pretty convincing and helps set the atmosphere of the game pretty well. The DLC, especially the Jimmy DLC, is very not good...

The performance is absolutely abysmal. I don't think I ever played a game that ran as bad as this one (besides maybe Hitman Contracts). CONSTANT and hard-hitting frame drops made playing through this otherwise decent game an absolute chore. Perhaps I should have just played the classic version...

La saga Mafia vivra malheureusement toujours dans l'ombre de GTA pour le grand public et c'est bien dommage car Mafia II est excellent. Le jeu est bon dans sa globalité (malgré quelques glitchs agaçants), le scénario est sympa mais je retiendrai surtout l'immersion dans les années 40-50, mention spéciale aux musiques diffusées sur les stations radios.