Reviews from

in the past

Liked the story in this less than its predecessor's, puzzles of similar quality.

my first one!!! the one that made me love the series. i still have the ticket sold with the game in my box teehee... made a huge impression on me as a kid with both the artstyle and the music

Defeated by the input system on the DS version. For some reason I can't write a C even after hundreds of tries. What a stupid roadblock.

اريد ابدا بكتابة ان جزئية القطار كانت مملة جدًا خربت الجو كله و هذا لوحده يخلي هذا الجزء اضعف من الاول في عيني
عندما توصل لمدينة فولسنس تبدأ اللعبة تشع اكثر من الجزء السابق
قتال لايتون بالسيف روعة
و اللغز الاخير لامس قلبي

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box may not be a perfect game in a vacuum but it is perfect for me, and playing it makes me almost perplexingly happy. It was immensely formative for me, and has stuck with me since I played it for the first time at the tender age of 8. When the Professor smiles and points at me and says "every puzzle has an answer" I feel like I'm being physically patted on the head.

[69 out of ?? puzzles solved, 11 hours playtime] The awesomeness returns! With more voice acting!