Reviews from

in the past

Incredible rhythm game, the best I've ever played by far. It manages to create amazing gameplay with just the spacebar, and adds way more to the table then any other music game I've ever seen. Instead of just focusing on the gameplay, Rhythm Doctor actually ties music with great characters, a great setting, humor and stories.

The effect that it causes is unlike any other, plus the songs themselves are also really good. They can also be kind of wholesome and heartfelt in the context of each character's treatment and story.

As a musician myself this was also very educative and good practice. Incredible game, can't recommend this enough. There's also a certain boss that's guaranteed to BLOW YOUR MIND.

really good! the mechanics are easy to understand, the levels are challenging but not unfair, and the music is a BANGER! would recommend!

This might be one of the greatest rhythm games to ever do it.