Reviews from

in the past

Laid the groundwork for one of the best series in the medium. While its sequels improv on most of what this title offers, it's still stands tall with it's expertly crafted Castlevania style map. The Asylum makes such an impact that it resonates throughout the whole trilogy. Could stand on it's own and still be known as a classic, but thank god they made a sequel cause gahdahm

Why did the Jinkler laugh at Officer Balls? Is he a silly billy?

The best Batman trilogy of games.

The living conditions here suck. No way this is all up to code.

So much better than Arkham Knight is almost unbelievable. I should have started through this one. What happened to Rocksteady? Is this the fate of every once prominent medium-sized studio who goes full-blown AAA? Bigger and bigger, never better?

It's not only that it's more focused, it actually feels like there's a story to tell. It's not a great story, it's the usual superhero fanfare, but it works so, so well in the context of the game.

The Metroidvania-inspired exploration was great, the Asylum is moody and atmospheric, and the combat that at the time was innovative was implemented to perfection in this game with the more subdued fights instead of throwing 30 enemies at once at you like Knight did.

Also, while this is technically a stealth game, this game might just have the two best 'stealth section in a non-stealth game' I've ever played, since the both of them played so differently from the rest of the game: the Scarecrow sequences were amazing, and worked really, really well as this series introduction to Batman's past. The last sequence was especially great, it was a great 4th wall break and actually made me think for a moment my PS4 was fried lmao. And the Killer Croc sequence, though simpler, had me on the edge of my seat and tense through all of it. And best of all, both of them felt really fun to play, especially since they just didn't throw you back at the start of it for failing once.

The only criticism I can really muster is the whole Poison Ivy sequence. It wasn't bad, but narrative-wise it felt pointless and detached from the rest of the game, almost as if they just needed something to pad more content, and her boss was terrible.

Now on to Arkham City, after Knight I'm kinda uneasy but this made me hopeful.

Batman is one of the greatest comic book heroes which naturally means he has had a lot of video game adaptations, but when this came out in 2009 it was unlike any previous superhero game. The combat was good, the story was great, the atmosphere and horror elements worked extremely well, and the game featured the two best voices for Batman and Joker respectively. Despite being improved upon and usurped by its successors, Arkham Asylum is still a great Batman game. While it may not be as good as Rocksteady's future releases, it does have a great horror atmosphere that isn't repeated in future installments.

Loved Arkham city, this one just never clicked. Staying in one location just felt wack.

While it's not the best Arkham game it's damn close. Being able to explore Arkham and all of it's facilities while son many villains are on the loose mixed the games gritty art style creates a fantastic atmosphere. Plus the combat is fantastic but that kinda goes without seeing as tis game basically sprung and entire genre of action games.

Arkkam City is so good that it overshadows this. Asylum still rocks socks.

Já sabia da importância da série Arkham para a história dos videojogos modernos, sobretudo no subgênero de action-beat' em up de super heróis, mas eu nunca tinha parado para jogá-la.

Sendo este o meu primeiro contato com a franquia a experiência foi... Legal (?)

Gosto do visual dos cenários e dos personagens. Crocodilo, Coringa e Espantalho estão realmente assustadores, há uma preocupação em criar uma atmosfera de horror que funciona bem durante o jogo e é para mim, o ponto de Arkham Asylum.

No entanto, o desenvolvimento do enredo e a conclusão da história, além do uso excessivo do modo detetive e de um combate simples e repetitivo, quebraram a minha imersão com o jogo.

Embora falte polimento em alguns aspectos como o combate e o modo detetive, a primeira aventura da série é bem sólida e estes pontos devem ter sido melhor trabalhados nas continuações.

Até planejo jogar a sua aclamada sequência em algum outro momento, mas agora iniciarei outra grande franquia que me passou batido: Bioshock.

Esperava mais desse mas como é meu Herói favorito eu me diverti muito jogando e vendo a história se desenrolar.

É como jogar um quadrinho clássico do Batman. O jogo que definiu um gênero. Apesar de aspectos datados ou com pouco polimento, toda a estrutura do jogo é excelente e já indicava um futuro brilhante pro Morcegão.

É bizarro imaginar que um jogo tão bem feito foi lançado em 2009, mas no geral um bom jogo, você realmente se sente na pele do batman, a ambientação é boa, além de algumas das melhores boss fights que eu já joguei