Reviews from

in the past

I've always thought that the world needed more Demon's Crest-likes (as in, literally any amount of them), and lo, Odallus: The Dark Call comes to satisfy my very specific and niche desire. Thank you, Odallus: The Dark Call! This game, like Demon's Crest, is sort of like a Metroidvania, only that instead of a large connected map that's a bunch of linear levels with items and branching pathways that you can only fully explore by coming back to them when you get more power-ups.

It's a very fresh concept, and Odallus does a good job at making you want to explore, because it's pretty hard, and any and all upgrades you can find count. Honestly I couldn't even fathom beating the final boss without 100%, I found it really hard. Overall I'd say there's some imperfections in how the character moves and attacks and in the level design, but I generally had a good time. The story is either poorly translated or just written, hard to say, but it's easy to ignore, and the presentation is otherwise pretty good.