Reviews from

in the past

Great time, definitely can see why this is labeled as the best Persona game. Looks of great content and story is still really interesting.

damn near the best game I've ever played

I love everything about this game from the style to the characters to the plot UGHHH i cant recommend it enough holy shit

Esa sensación que te da este juego de sentirte dentro del equipo me encantó. Me sentí un Ladrón Fantasma todas las horas que lo jugué. Juegazo hermoso bien hecho <3

This game's story is so good when smt fans aren't constantly telling you that it's shit.

The soundtrack alone is better than most games and also there's a talking cat.

You play it for the 3rd semester because that's the peak of the story.

Phenomenal game, one of the best stories I've experienced. Falls just short of perfect due to the story overstaying its welcome (it took me over 130 hours just to finish the main story).

One of my favorite games of all time!