Reviews from

in the past

They squeezed out every ounce of power the DS had for this game and it shows. It looks good, runs good. Black had interesting new Pokémon and a world that felt lived in. Story is bland but that's par for the course for a Pokémon game.

GameFreak was speakin to ME when they made this gen

Look man, all I'm saying is that had Gen 5 had received a warmer reception, the Pokémon series would probably be in a better spot today.

Um ótimo jogo, história incrível, um vilão grandioso e Unova com certeza é a minha região favorita. Maravilhoso.

Starter discutable, mais quelle histoire ! et bonne région aussi !

Not my favourite game in the series, but deserves more love than it got. I'd give it a higher score, but this game is what got me into competitive pokemon, and that has given me an inability to ignore every goddamn number in this game

O apíce do picomon (Depois disso foi só ladeira a baixo).
O jogo é pog em literalmente tudo:
Os iniciais são pog, a Pokedex é pog, os rivais são pog (destaque pra esses), os mapas são pog, os ginasios são pog, a trilha sonora é pog, os graficos misturando 3d com sprite são pogs, os lendarios são pog, os sprites animados dos picomons são os mais pog....

DAMN esse jogo é pog...

good af so far. im only on the early stages of the game but to make it just slightly harder for myself im only using my favorite pokemon from this gen, no exceptions

Un poco las precuelas de Star Wars de los pokemon. La historia y personajes son muy interesantes y el gameplay intento muchas cosas pero en su momento la crítica fue horrible. Con el tiempo se está valorando más pero al final del día es un pokemon. De los mejores que se han hecho de la saga principal.

My first pokemon game. Insane amounts of nostalgia

THE pokemon game, a total reboot from what we though the whole franchise would be, N is lowkey the best character from the whole saga and i'm not even kidding