Reviews from

in the past

Caramba, esse jogo calou minha boca e me surpreendeu de uma forma inexplicável! Quando fui jogar esse game, estava na vibe de jogar jogos de terror, como tinha ouvido falar muito bem dele, fui de cabeça com uma expectativa muito alta. Logo de cara o jogo me impressionou com os gráficos, pois mesmo sendo de 2014 são lindos. Após um certo tempo de jogo, fiquei meio confuso, pois eu não estava sentindo aquele frio na barriga, medo ou levando sustos. Cheguei até a pensar em deixar para joga-lo outra hora, mas depois de pensar um pouco decidi seguir e prestar muita atenção na história. Logo me caiu a ficha e percebi que estava cometendo um erro enorme em querer abandonar essa maravilha. Avançando no jogo percebi que ele consegue misturar os gêneros de terror, ação e história de uma forma maravilhosa. Fiquei maravilhado desde então e me diverti muito, tentando aproveitar o máximo. Também percebi que ele não é pra brincadeira, o nível de dificuldade me surpreendeu bastante até o fim do jogo. Passei por altos e baixos até completar o jogo, oque tornou minha experiencia ainda melhor. Ele ainda possui uma gameplay única e um estilo que mais nenhum jogo consegue fazer igual. Consegui me apegar aos personagens e entrar na história de uma forma que quase nenhum jogo conseguiu fazer igual. Amei o jogo e me diverti muito. Super recomendo!

Most mainstream reviewers brushed the game aside for some of its technical issues, at times janky presentation, story being somewhat confusing, and just being very punishing; which are fair criticisms.
Even with that, I really love this game and feel that a lot of people didn't appreciate what the game gets right.

The atmosphere is spot on and completely pulls you into its world, the music is great with moments of dread and action being captured perfectly with the score, when the shooting and stealth segments work out correctly it can feel very satisfying. The graphics can be a bit dated here and there, but the lighting and art direction are top notch. The enemy variety and boss designs are solid as well. Towards the end it's just set piece after set piece, random little quirks or gimmicks in certain chapters; with level transitions and environments that are different and unpredictable. The first playthrough will leave you guessing what will happen next and I love that about this game.

One of the biggest issues I think people had was just how punishing the game is. Simple mistakes or lack of knowledge will kill you more than once throughout the whole game; especially in boss fights and even in scripted sequences. I'm fairly confident The Evil Within was designed to disrespect and abuse the player. The game is full of clever trap and enemy placements to throw the player off and it might even get you killed. Items will be put into absurd and unappealing locations to taunt the player because the designer knows the value if it to the player. I think it's quite hilarious.

The game has a lot of variety going for it, but I guess it might have been at the cost of polish and focus. The game is sometimes a power fantasy and killing dozens of enemies, sometimes It's a stealth game and you should avoid detection. Sometimes It's a slow burn horror game, with atmosphere and music as the focal point and nothing else. The story has some great ideas and themes, but it gets convoluted rather easily.

Animations can be a bit stiff and inconsistent, floating objects at times, flickering textures or shadows, sometimes odd hit detection, unsatisfactory performance on consoles and even PC, and some questionable design decisions. It feels like Tango Gameworks didn't have a QA department and overlooked things trying to meet their deadline.

It's a great game with flaws that I don't think are big enough to bother me or an experienced gamer. The Evil Within is enjoyable with such high replay ability that I don't think most people would have the time or patience to do it all; but you'd definitely get a lot of value out of this game.

When I heard Bethesda was teaming up with the creator of Resident Evil I was very pumped on this one. It’s corny, scary and clunky in all the right ways.