Reviews from

in the past

Lmfaooo loved everything about this, character interactions, fun lil minigame, gathering clues, all the new art work. Game has a great sound track which should be expected but like damn.

No silver is criminal though.

Peak visual novel game play. presses spacebar

I'm not even a fan of visual novels usually, but this surprise april fools game managed to have the best writing in any sonic game AND some of the best art of any sonic game, ever. Seriously charming and funny. Let this team write the next sonic game.

rip bozo, this was a cool april fools game even though it came out on the 31st

This game is actually way better than it has any right to be for an april fools game.

It's actually funny, charming, short, sweet and it does have some "Sonic gameplay" for those who just want to run fast in a Sonic game. It is nothing spectacular or anything (Pretty much just discount Ace Attorney), but this is the most amount of personality these characters have shown in YEARS.

I really hope SEGA learns from this and hopefully in the future they will allow Sonic Team to do more little side Sonic projects like this one. Not too ambitious, but a welcome, fun and really enjoyable side dish for Sonic fans.

I'm actually hoping they make a sequel to this one, just with a little bit more depth. This is the kind of experimentation I want from this franchise.