Reviews from

in the past

A game that presents an alternative story of World War II, where Nazi Germany emerges victorious by developing the atomic bomb before the USA, leading to the Nazis occupying all of Europe. It's a storyline that I find intriguing.

In terms of gameplay, you engage in first-person shooting, taking down Nazis across various scenarios. If you're drawn to the game's theme (and enjoy killing Nazis), this game is for you.

I loved this game. I havent played a series this good in such a long time, i recommend this to people who love a shooter and love killing Nazi's.

this game is actually so fire, it think it has some flaws to it but i think that’s just because of how old it is now, im in the middle of the second game and i think i like that one more.

When 95% of video game writing sucks, you never expect the Nazi killing DOOM clone to have a strong script.

If I were to play this again (just for fun), I'd probably drop the difficulty some. I'm sure it's a skill issue, but on "I am Death Incarnate," even the grunts were shredding me. I felt slightly less like a badass because of this. Next time I'm either playing Uber, getting all the achievements, and losing my mind, or I'm cruising on Game Journalist difficulty and enjoying the fantastic set pieces this game has to offer.

Game is good. You can kill Nazis with two guns at once. Game is good.

Шикарный перезапуск, заслуживающий вашего внимания. Тот случай, когда сюжет в шутере от первого лица играет немаловажную роль и воистину потрясающий!

Interesting that they made a video game about Kanye fans

the only place to legally shoot nazis

boring as hell nah man ain't for me

Replay. The sequel to this is one of the most absurdly fun games I've ever played. It's tonally all over the shop but always entertaining; almost like Yakuza in its blend of the serious and the ridiculous. This isn't quite as nuts as the second game, but it's still an absolute blast. And dang, the visuals really hold up -- hard to beleive this is nearly a decade old.

The U boat and Moon missions were the best. Love the Moon mission music with the space-y blippy bloops

Pisas cabezas de nazis, cortas a nazis, disparas a nazis, muerdes a nazis, explotas a nazis