Reviews from

in the past

I picked this game up randomly as a little kid and you know I honestly wonder if my love for games that are about creating/rebuilding the world from treasures you find out in dungeons and the like came from here. It's...pretty rare.

But it's something I adore about this game. Going dungeon crawling feels so rewarding because when you find buildings and characters you tangibly see them in the world and then they interact with the other characters in their lives etc etc. The fact that you can be creative with how towns look as well just makes the whole prospect of going into dungeons exciting.

Dungeon combat is pretty rudimentary and kinda tough at times (it loves its risk and reward) but it's also pretty comfy. Going back to it, I'd forgotten that it had survival elements as well, which I guess were pretty commonplace in dungeon crawlers at the time but either way that added lair of preparation and carefulness it asked for was kind of interesting considering it was never too heavy handed with it.

Miss this series a lot.