Reviews from

in the past

Version Pixel Remaster sur PC, malgré une fin des plus typique de ce que propose les JRPG en terme de difficulté ahurissante, le double dépaysement que propose FF IV est à rentrer dans les annales. Et puis quelle OST !

absolutely gorgeous OST, loved the if only the game was fun to play

Final Fantasy IV was the culmination of the experimentation of the first three games and the first Final Fantasy game I consider to be timeless. It brings together a cohesive narrative with characters that are far more fleshed out than in previous titles, the best looking graphics yet for the series thanks to the horsepower of the SNES, the best soundtrack of any game with Final Fantasy in the title at the time of its release.

On top of that, it introduced the Active Time Battle system which gave turn based RPGs like these some much needed urgency without abandoning the tactical nature of the menu based combat. The only thing curiously missing from this one is the job system, but frankly I think that level of customization is a subjective design choice, and if a developer would rather develop a fixed role for characters to fit their vision, I'm all for it. I don't need a character creation system in every game I play.

Overall, a fantastic game, my favorite RPG to have come out by 1991, and the beginning of the golden age of 2D Final Fantasy.

The first truly great Final Fantasy game.