Reviews from

in the past

Its a pretty cool concept. Pretty much like singleplayer werewolf. Will say its more gameplay focused and the story gets unfolded the more loops you play. If your not a fan of the gameplay this one might be a skip since you have to do anywhere from 100-200 loops to discover everything. Had fun however there were times where the characters logic makes no sense and leads to unavoidable losses to no fault of the player but you don't really get punished for losing its more of a slight setback.

I got a lot of enjoyement out of this game because the loops themselves are simply fun. Especially as they grow in challenge and nuance. It was addicting slowly putting things together in the meta-progression, whilst the gameplay itself evolved.

What could have been better is the late-game balance. It gets really easy towards the end, and becomes a chore of trying to trigger events for the ending. I ended up finishing with a youtube video because I didn't want to spend my time trawling wikis to find the exact conditions to unlock everything. Still, it was fun.