Reviews from

in the past

Juegazo papu :v Nada más qué decir

even if it's unfinished it's still a lovely experience. It also introduced one of my favorite characters of all time

shadow man, yellow devil mk-ii and wily machine 3 should all be deleted from existence.

gemini mans stage can go eat a mushroom
the game is unnecessarily bloated for some reason and for some reason you have to fight the mega man 2 bosses again AND do a boss rush of mega man 3 like w h y

much more difficult than 2, a little more difficult than 1, and still a very fun game all around.

there's a bit of a stronger focus on narrative with the introduction of proto man and some cute cutscenes (now with dialogue!) to expand dr light's character in particular. the ability to slide is a great and satisfying addition to the series, as is the appearance of rush to allow for some more creative ways to traverse the stages. the game drags a little towards the end and the wily stages are so easy they can be beaten on your first attempt, but otherwise this is a very fun game.

2 étoiles parce que les savestates, mais difficulté des boss débile avec des patterns de l'enfer même s'ils sont connus, alors que les niveaux de plateforme sont sympa.

WAYYYY better than Mega Man 2
More challenging but fair and the level design is a lot tighter

Bem igual ao 2, só que achei as fases tematicamente bem mais bonitas, também achei esse jogo bem mais difícil que o antecessor

I usually lose my will to play at the doc robot stages

a serie de jogos "mega homem" vem melhorando

esperando a sequencia espiritual redpill brasileira:
"Homem Sigma" junto com os spin-offs "Macho Alfa"
esses vão ser bons, mal posso esperar para me tornar um homem de verdade