Reviews from

in the past

Overrated somehow. Let’s be honest people this does not live up to standards even if it’s a playable Mario game overall. Liked some of the stuff they did and it cooks color splash and sticker star.

this game gets so overhated and for what. while i haven't played the first 2 paper marios, i feel like ppl need to chill w ttyd for a sec and also give this game a chance

this sure is another modern paper mario game (the writing is good and the combat is whatever instead of good like it was 20 years ago)

charm, great visuals, and ost cannot make up for such boring gameplay and abysmally bad handholding/garbage combat (the bosses are fine but take way too long for how easy they are), I will say tho the level design is a marketable improvement over the previous 2 games, and I think it should be expanded upon if we get the old combat back next game

at least they tried this time ig, its not nearly as bad as the previous two so that makes it good right

كويسة بس مدري ليه سحبت

I was REALLY hopeful about this one at the start. I loved the world and level design, the writing was top-notch, and the puzzle ring was a unique idea. But as the game went on and I got about 4-5 hours in, I realized this wasn't a sustainable enough gameplay loop to last 10 or so more hours.

For starters, I still loved the world exploration and level design all the way through. Levels are packed with little stuff to find and interface with, and while I think areas would have benefitted from fewer Toads to avoid becoming overbearing, I think it's a fun way to encourage exploration. Some toads are a little too obscured but the game gives you ample tools to circumvent that from the start. If I could complain about one thing, it's that Olivia constantly has to interrupt the gameplay to handhold you and explain the most basic concepts that you already figured out, and I understand why that's the case, but it's still annoying. Honestly, if the game was built entirely around this exploration loop I think I would've seen this one through. Unfortuntely, the main gameplay loop, the combat, REALLY doesn't land.

The puzzle ring seems like a cool idea the first few times, but by the 20th puzzle ring, it becomes a chore. The ring battles take forever to get through and never actually feel all that challenging. The difficulty of these battles is lent entirely to having a time limit because, without it, these battles are just tedious. Besides the weaknesses of the puzzle ring itself, the battles themselves have so many unnecessary options to make the already piss-easy fights even easier. Why can I add a full minute and a half to the already pretty gracious minimum 30-second timer? Why can I pay a pittance to have the Toad audience do the puzzle for me? These battles just feel like you're on autopilot, and if I'd rather flee or kite enemies than take part in your combat system 1/4 of the way through the game, something has clearly gone wrong. This is all compounded by the fact that the only reward you get from these battles are coins and confetti, which A. You can get ample amounts of elsewhere and B. It only serves to let you use the easy mode systems in battles! It just feels very counter-intuitive overall.

Walking around the world and interacting with characters felt great, but 10 more hours of actively trying to avoid the main gameplay loop just doesn't sound that fun.