Reviews from

in the past

Quick! What is the digital root of your mom’s credit card???

This game has a story that will permanently change your brain chemistry. There's a reason I've been deeply entrenched in the fandom for the last four years.
But, to share an opinion that is liable to get me crucified by said fandom, 999 is absolutely the weakest game in the series in terms of gameplay. The puzzles are just godawful, and the places where the story branches feel really arbitrary. It also has a real problem with overexplaining everything. I also think it's insane that people are still recommending the DS version over the Nonary Games collection - yeah, there's something interesting done with the dual screens that's kind of lost in translation, but dear god. The DS version doesn't have the flow chart. Dear god. In the DS version, you are forced to play the entire thing from the beginning if you want to see the branching paths and finish the story. My god. That's actual torture.
I still love this game, five stars no question about it. But there are people who need to hear these things.

Probably THE single best incorporation of game mechanics into the storytelling I have ever seen. The literal flowchart being a core part of the game is always spectacular. The characters are all interesting and compelling, and they're all useful to the plot, every single one drives the story forward. I do wish that Lotus was shown more often, as the ending that features her backstory is completely optional and not at all required for the true ending, but that's a very minor qualm I have

Played with friends, absolute blast.

awesome story and the best puzzles I've seen in any game ever.

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i'm normal and sane in the head i promise. for some reason the ending twist wasn't my favorite IDK why but otherwise this fucking game man. im so normal <- lying i will be thinking about clover and light + aoi and akane for a long time. the most fucked up sibling duos of all time. both of them kill people for eachother (well clover and light Not In The True Route and the people aoi and akane killed kinda got it coming anyway).
anyways this cast is so good. i DID seek a way out and i DID find it! now time to never be normal about the number 9 or digital roots ever again

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strangest disability to be ableist about award goes to