Reviews from

in the past

If you love Undertale, just play Undertale again.

I'm gonna be honest, I expected so much more from this game. The visual style of battles is very fun and the overall presentation is incredibly charming. The dialogue can be very hit or miss but hits pretty hard when it does.

The real problem lies with the combat. It's very wonky and you can be halfway through an area before you die and have to go through LOADS of the same dialogue and considering 99% of the dialogue is jokes....reading the same repeating jokes multiple times because you didn't want to go all the way back to an older save point and got forced into multiple fights in a row is just...horrible.

The game incentivises making friends over fighting and while that's all fine and dandy...its down to multiple options sometimes that can do different things that you have no way of predicting.

I haven't finished the game yet but I am currently on a boss fight that relies on you upping your friendship meter with a minigame that is completely random and very unfun to play and dodging the attacks after each one is absolutely not fit for the kind of game this is. It becomes increasingly unfair and after a point incredibly frustrating and tedious. It's making me not want to continue playing this game. I guess we will see if this improves, but right now I'm just so fed up of these boss fights being absolute ass that you have to sit through dodging bullshit attacks.

Athenian Rhapsody is a fun experience that feels familiar but does stand on its own two feet. The battle system is definitely borrowed from Undertale but is a bit more colourful and boisterous. Going the pacifist route means the battle system is a series of mini-games where the character needs to avoid projectiles that get more ridiculous the further you get into the game.

Much of the enjoyment comes from the interactions between the player character and twelve friends that can be found throughout the world. The humour is cute and well written, though sometimes the toilet jokes come a little too often. Each friend has a neat back story and unique personality that leads to some fun hijinxs.

At the end of the day, there’s no way to avoid bringing up Undertale with all the similarities between the two. If you’ve never played the former, than the comparison is pointless since Athenian Rhapsody works on its own. It’s not really a question of either or, if you’re a fan of that style of RPG, them you already know that you’ll likely enjoy Athenian Rhapsody.

This game feels like it was tailor made for me, from the humor to the artstyle, but something just feels off. I'm not entirely sure what.

The ending was rather disappointing and the actual personality profile was somehow less in-depth than the demo.

I think the game would've been better if it was more open ended and boss focused, because those were easily the best parts of the game. The unique encounters where the attacks had a lot of personality were a lot more fun then the regular enemies and travelling through the areas.

Also, the characters could've been better. While I love Thunder Goober, Richard, and Aerosol, some of the party members fell flat to me like Horatio and Nylon.

Overall good game, but could've been so much better.

This game is clearly inspired by Undertale, and most of the game puts enough of a spin on things to not feel too derivative, but in specific moments it really does feel like it borrows too much. ...That all being said, it's still a really good time! The comedy in this game is really chaotic in a great way, and the battles are quite challenging. The music is particularly good, and a lot of the characters are very likeable.

While I think it gets a lil demoted by being too derivative- if you liked Undertale but wanted more of a challenge or thought it was too sappy/cheesy, this might be a better fit for you!
(P.S. I love you Thunder Goober, even if you gave me IBS.)