Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo deveria receber mais reconhecimento

I just remembered I played this one too. This is the only Arkham game I have ever played but I'm not even sure if I did beat it or not.

From what I remember, this one was insanely fun and felt super great to pretty much do anything as Batman. Giving it 5 stars, since I haven't played any of the other ones, so this one is the best one lol.

The game may not be as great as City, but it's fun through most of it; the process to completion is not as annoying as the others, and the shock gloves provide a faster way to deal with combat instead of slogging through the solutions to different enemy types, the story is really good, showing the origins of all the villains and Batman at his angriest and scariest. 7/10

um jogo bom, mas os outros ainda são bem melhores

The Arkham series has some of the greatest games ever made. Rocksteady the study that made Arkham Asylum and Arkham Knight wasn't responsible for creating this game, instead, WB Games is to thank. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill also did not return and since the game is a prequel it feels distant from the other entries in the series. The only thing this game retains from previous installments is the gameplay which is good although not as crisp as Arkham City or Arkham Knight. The story had potential but ended up becoming yet another Joker plot. This is the black sheep of the series and while some people really like it for its narrative and boss fights I don't think it stacks up against Arkham City or Arkham Knight.

Yine gereksiz eleştirilmiş oyunlardan biri. City'nin yaptığı bu oyunun kötü yaptığı bir şey yok. Evet aynısı ama sikimde değil. Daha fazla Batman, bu kadar.

The one game that accurately portrays Bane how it should: a smart, calculative but also strong ass hell foe, not a big dumb brute.