Reviews from

in the past

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This is probably my favorite pack from the ds2 dlcs, and it has good reasons to be. Frozen Eleyme Loyce is one of the best areas in any fromsoft game, and the Burnt Ivory King is my favorite boss fight in DS2, and definitely my favorite spectacle fight in any fromsoft game. However, this pack also has what I would probably consider the worst area ever created in any game, or at least the worst area I've ever played in any game. Frigid outskirts is just an absolute hell hold, and the fact your reward is a reskin gank fight of a boss in the fucking dlc pack is just awful. Lud and Zallen is unironically my least favorite fight in a souls game (yes including BOC), and by extension is easily one of the worst bosses I've ever fought in any game period; up there with the final boss from the blade wolf DLC of MGRR, Savior from DMC4, Arkham from DMC3, and most of the bosses in DMC2. It is genuinely that fucking bad and while I would absolutely recommend someone to play through FEL and the main section of this dlc, I will never in a million years ever even consider recommending FO to even my worst enemy, as it is genuinely that bad. This DLC pack is still phenomenal, but frigid outskirts holds it back from being one of my all time favorite DLC packs.

And for the record, I beat every single DLC area and boss TWICE; once in scholar and once in vanilla. For Scholar I used summons for FO and black separation crystalled them away for L&Z, but on vanilla I raw dogged it and beat the entire area and boss with no summons. I think my combined time spent in FO is at least 4-5 hours, and you could not pay me money to replay that shit again