Reviews from

in the past

For what this game is, it's not that bad. Can't really fault it too much. It looks nice, music is better than expected and I aways like to see the pokemon doing different shit in the world. Solid game glad it was free :D

A sequel to the 3DS original, this game follows on from the game, though it's amazing how much the 2019 film spoiled the plot of this 2023 game. While events don't pan out exactly the same, the ending is similar enough that it really makes me think this game was supposed to release years ago, especially considering how no gen 9 Pokémon are present at all, this is clearly a gen 8 game, one that's development must have been strained.

Many cutscenes in this cutscene heavy game were clearly rushed, with lip syncing not matching the English dialouge and cut corners galore. When they do go the extra mile, it's some of the best animation Pokémon has put out there, and the voice acting isn't half bad. The story is predictabie, but heartwarming and i enjoy the cast as a whole.

The game is a very railroaded detective game, where you collect evidence, build a case and find a suspect. As you are able to interact with people and Pokémon to Collect statements, there's plenty of opportunity for fun character moments. Side quests are abundant for some variety and I love how the results of these are published in the next days newspaper, that's great detail.

The new thing for this game is rideable Pokémon to allow for some puzzle solving, and this is okay, it's not very deep, but it works.

This game definitely needed more time in the oven, but it is still a fun distraction with plenty of charm - 6.5/10