Reviews from

in the past

Dragon Quest II improved on the series but had the major flaw of being too difficult. This game fixes that issue and expands on the gameplay even further making it the best game in the series at the time. I played the GBC version for an English translation and the improved graphics, sound, and gameplay. There are lots of quality-of-life improvements and a larger world/story that makes for an even better RPG. This game is a fan favorite to this day and it's not hard to see why.

Dragon Warrior III on the Game Boy Color is a faithful and vibrant adaptation of the classic JRPG. Its traditional turn-based combat, charming story, and the innovative class-changing system offer a fulfilling, retro experience. While its age begins to show in places, especially the grind-heavy gameplay, it remains a cornerstone of the genre. Fans of old-school RPGs shouldn't miss this journey.