Reviews from

in the past

I think I'd genuinely rather play Fallout Shelter. I saw some people say that Fallout 2 plays sexual assault for laughs but I never really felt that way. This game? On the third mission a raider woman has a slave that very comedically talks about how his "little tribal" had "things done to it" and now it has a rash and smells. This game also toes the line between portraying this chapter of the Brotherhood as fascists and portraying them as the "tough but fair" heroes of the wasteland. It just made me uncomfortable with its writing really. But beyond that, the gameplay just suuuucks. It's SO boring. Fallout has a decent combat system but it has always been carried by its many different ways to tackle a situation. This game eliminates that and puts the focus completely on this janky ass combat. I'm talking somehow MORE jank than Fallout 1 and 2. It's horrific really. I tried really hard to give it a chance but, just, no. Just no. This still has my favorite power armor design though.