Reviews from

in the past

really pretty visually and traversal is fun. but story is boring and combat is a true chore to get through

1984 with a hipster, a SuicideGirl model, and a nerd emoji the video game (ft. Troy Baker)

Very fun to explore Seattle. The story was a little forced, but the gameplay was extremely solid and had a lot of good stuff to it. The powers and core game are extremely strong.

Visualmente genial, movilidad disfrutona con la que me pasaría horas simplemente dando vueltas por el mapa. Muy buena introducción para la PS4.

An 1hr in and this game is very good the combat and traversal are very fun I do love the fact is one of those choose to be bad or evil games the open world also looks interesting as well I’m excited to see where this game will go

One of those early PS4 titles I bought but never actually played more than a few hours of, which apparently was a third of the game now that I've beaten it. They certainly don't make breezy open-world games like this anymore - for better and worse. I actually do miss when the genre was just an excuse to have a big playground to mess around in with fun movement abilities, which is easily Second Son's biggest strength. But it also has little meat to it, both in terms of content and story, and even the three different powersets you're given are all essentially reskins of one other.

I was also hit with a huge wave of anti-nostalgia when the first thing the game asks you to do is perform actions with the motion controls and touchpad of the PS4 controller. Glad PlayStation games largely moved away from that and fast, because it was never fun.

Tirando os ótimos gráficos e a gameplay divertida, a história é bem básica, sem grandes viradas e com muitos clichês, e o mapa é relativamente pequeno e sem muita variedade, mas foi um ótimo título de lançamento para o PS4. Minha nota só não foi maior porque parece ser muito aquém do jogo anterior (Infamous 2).

Es uno de mis juegos favoritos, no sé si me gustaría tanto si lo juego ahora, pero lo jugué hace muchos años y en ese momento le agarré mucho cariño

Esperava mais, tinha mt bug e travamento!