Reviews from

in the past

It’s such a shame because you could do so much with a judge Dredd game I think, and even on the ps2 you could do a lot more than this but I think this has a kinda put a bad taste in everyone’s mouth towards the idea of a judge Dredd game.

Because mostly my feelings towards this game are boring or annoying or confused, which is not great but I was rarely excited to play this past the part where you could arrest people and it felt like I had more freedom than just going in a straight line.

So first of all boring, like I said most missions go in a straight line with rarely any freedom but when they aren’t in a straight line it doesn’t really feel like you have freedom; it more feels like “ok just tell me where to go” especially with how weird the waypoint system can be.

The annoying parts aren’t even the supposed difficult parts of the game it’s more just things like checkpoints being set with two enemies shooting at you; so when you respawn they’re still shooting at you and you’re on the health the checkpoint was at so you can get stuck in this loop causing you to restart.