Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the first platformers I have ever played.
Even before Mario jumped into my life, Mickey was there.

The presentation alone sold this game for me: the artstyle was amazing, the music was memorable, and the fact that every level was based on specific classic shorts was really nice.
THe fac that the first level starts in Black & White because it is based on Steamboat WIllie, only to slowly gain color as you start meeting different charcaters and setting for later shorts... it is an amazing idea that I wish other similar games based on television would use as inspiration. Even the different levels have a different vibe depending on what they are based on, more specifically Iloved the shift in tone with the second level, based on the Mad Doctor.

This presentation makes for a really magical experience as a kid.... the issue is that even back then I noticed how much the game is just... mediocre... it's incredibly short, only consisting of like 40 minutes of platforming, with a level design that feels sluggish and not exactly that enjoyable.

It is a short experience hat lets you gor for kinda forgettable levels and forgettable bosses in terms of gameplay....... this kinda makes the title a bit devisive, but I am still able to find it slightly enjoyable for the creativity and artstyle.... still I am sure there are better Mickey titles out there.