Reviews from

in the past

Best redemption arc in the history of the gaming industry.

esse jogo tem muitas coisas boas mas ao mesmo tempo tem coisas ruins mas o No Man's Sky são os amigos que fazemos pelo caminho e nos dão itens

No Man's Sky is the ultimate comeback story. It started out rough, but with updates, it's turned into an incredible space exploration game. Flying to a new planet, discovering bizarre creatures, building bases...there's a feeling of wonder and the universe feels truly massive. It takes a while to get into, and some things are still a bit unpolished, but if you're into open-world games and have always dreamt of space travel, No Man's Sky delivers something special.

I haven't played this since it launched and it was fine in a boring sort of way.

They keep adding more and more cool stuff but like. All of it is still broken lol. Just cannot go five minutes without tripping over an annoying bug. Which is a shame bc it would be amazing if it worked