Reviews from

in the past

the middest shit i've played in a long time

Revelations is what i'd call the "hidden gem" in the franchise. It has some issues, but it''s overall a very competently made Resident Evil game. Funny how this is actually a 3DS game, and yet it's still fully fledged installment to the franchise and not a cheap handheld game like i initially thought. Gameplay, design, story and presentation are surprisingly solid and hold up well for a handheld that couldn't even match the hardware power of a PS2. Capcom basically said "F*** it, we're gonna make a real Resident Evil game on this thing!" and this is just funny to me.

Comecei o jogo com zero expectativas e adorei. Em meio a tanto jogos mundo aberto atualmente, jogar um jogo mais linear e mais curto é excelente. Gostei bastante da história, a gameplay ainda é muito boa. Também é um jogo que não dá medo, o que é excelente para os medrosos (eu incluso) rsrs.