Reviews from

in the past

Cara, não sei se gostei mais desse ou do anterior, pra mim a historias está bem melhor aqui, mas a jogabilidade pode ser um pouco falha, eu perdi diversas vidas por bugs de física e hitbox, mesmo jogando com mods de correção. Gostei muito do design de cada stage, todos são bem divertidos e bonitos (especialmente Green Forest), também acho que fica atrás na trilha sonora, sinto que as do Aventure 1 são bem superiores.

Sonic/Shadow: Peak level design bogged down by jank. Physics don't play nice with some geometry and some mechanics like the light speed dash are a coin flip as to whether they'll work or not.
Tails/Eggman: The absolute definition of "fine." They're mostly mindless shoot em up stages that're okay at best and inoffensive at worst. Not much to them.
Knuckles/Rouge: Utter dogshit. Radar only tracking one thing at a time makes these stages needlessly tedious, the camera is awful, clinging onto walls is jank, they take forever, and have random jumpscares cuz why not ig. Whoever put these in the game should take a long walk off a short pier.
The story is certainly better than SA1's but that's not saying a lot. It still falls apart like a house of cards under the slightest scrutiny.
In conclusion, better than SA1, still a shit game.