Reviews from

in the past

Bioware's, or more specifically Drew Karpyshyn's, keen understanding and love of Star Wars shines right through in the quintessential Jedi Knight "KOTOR 3" storyline in this, as does of the majority who proclaim it captures what Star Wars is ultimately about and supposed to be like. That is to say "a hero's journey" where the self-insert Gary Stu/Mary Sue mindlessly follows orders and mows down hundreds of imperial mooks along their path towards defeating the irredeemably evil bigbad with their blue glowstick, as we all know. If there were a dialogue option for the player to retort to the emperor's villainous monologue of vagaries at the end with "AND I AM ALL TEH JEDAI!" or some such it would've been truly perfect, I think Us Star Wars iconography enjoyers can all agree. At least unlike the previous attempt at a superficial facsimile of the movies by Bioware, the token R2-D2 homage party member in this is something akin to a "character" rather than a literal plot device with zero relevance or even personality beyond being needed to open a door on the tutorial planet. KOTOR 2 was quite a subversive deconstruction of the source material in regards to how its narrative handled T3M4 instead, amirite or amirite, my fellow fans of mediocre VNs and WorloWarcrap: Catalyst...? End of line.

PS: im so so sorry for not updating my blog in a more timely manner and aptly posting this on teh fourth of may for the annual CelebratioN of a multibillion£€$ zombie franchise

one of my favourite games ever

Has the best story of all time, It is just so chock full of great Star wars content. Personally I love all the empire stories they are the best by far and its so cool this game lets you play as the villains. The interactions with your crew and the choices you make add so much depth. Plus the combat being WOW like is fin with me its fun enough. Its grindy and repetitive at times buts its got so much depth and there is so much to do. I love this game.